Pediatric Dentistry FAQ

Frequently asked questions related to Pediatric Dentistry.

Pediatric Dentistry

What is the age range for pediatric dentistry?


Pediatric dentists typically see patients from when the first tooth emerges until about age 18. The age range is from infancy to adolescence.

Which oral sedation is suitable for pediatric dentistry?


Pediatric dentists use various types of oral sedation for children. Some of them are Hydroxyzine, Diphenhydramine, Promethazine, Midazolam, Diazepam, Lorazepam, Meperidine, Ketamine, Dexmedetomidine, and Chloral Hydrate.

Why is pediatric dentistry important?


Pediatric dentists ensure your child's primary teeth stay strong and free of tooth decay and other types of oral health problems. Good oral hygiene starts in the early childhood period. Whether you are nursing or bottle-feeding, regular visits to a pediatric dentist would benefit your children in many ways and teach them a proper dental habits. Regular teeth cleaning is very important for your child's oral hygiene.

Why do dentists put silver caps on children's teeth?


A silver tooth crown/tooth cap is a metal cap used by dentists to cover and protect the damaged deciduous (baby) tooth from decay, damage, and bacterial infection. A silver cap is made from stainless steel and is premade which allows the dentist to fit the crown in one appointment and reduces the costs associated with lab-produced crowns or caps.

How often should a child see a dentist?


A child should start seeing the dentist every six months. Some dental practitioners may schedule the visits more often, such as every 3 months.

How to take an autistic child to the dentist?


An autistic child may feel disturbed during the visit to Dentist. The following steps are helpful in treating autistic children:

  • Allow guardians to remain with their children during treatment
  • Prepare your own picture book or social story, showing and telling what will happen in the dental clinic
  • Make the child comfortable
  • If a child has issues with bright lights or loud noise, bring along sunglasses and earplugs
  • Come prepared with snacks, toys, videos, or other comfort objects
  • Follow up with the dentist's recommendations, with the child's disability in mind
  • Ask questions if you are not clear in handling the situation exactly

How do pediatric dentists fill cavities?


If your child has a small cavity, your pediatric dentist will be able to fix the issue with a dental filling. This can be done by using a tooth-colored resin to fill the hole in the tooth. If the cavity/tooth decay is deep, your child may need a pulpotomy. If the dental cavity is too big, your dental practitioner may recommend a dental crown/tooth cap.

How do pediatric dentists pull baby teeth?


As an initial step, your dental doctor will numb the treatment site for doing a painless extraction procedure. Then the dentist will loosen the tooth using a dental instrument called an elevator and forceps to extract the tooth from the socket.

How do pediatric dentists differ from family dentists?


Pediatric dentists are specialized in treating children and family dentists treat patients of all ages. Pediatric dental specialists have special training and education to treat children more than other dental professionals. In simple words, pediatric dentists are experts on child-specific dental issues.

At which age should a child go to the dentist?


Your child's first dental visit can begin from twelve months of age or six months after the first tooth comes in. Your pediatric dentist may examine the teeth, jaws, bite, gums, and oral tissues.

What do dentists put on children's teeth to prevent cavities?


A cavity is the most important issue that affects the oral health of children. Usually, pediatric dentists apply sealants (a thin coating painted on teeth) to protect the children from cavities. Sealants flow into the deep grooves of teeth and harden immediately.