Wisdom Tooth Removal FAQ

Frequently asked questions related to Wisdom Tooth Removal.

Wisdom Tooth Removal

What kind of anesthesia is used for wisdom tooth removal?


Your oral surgeon or dental practitioner may give sedation anesthesia to suppress your consciousness during the wisdom tooth removal procedure.

What to do after wisdom tooth removal?


Take rest for the first few days. Avoid activities that require a lot of effort and energy. Keep the surgical sites clean. Use an ice pack on your face to reduce swelling. Use gentle brushing to the rest of your teeth and avoid the extraction site area. Take all medications, antibiotics and pain relievers as per the prescription.

What helps with wisdom tooth removal pain?


If you are a normal person with a healthy body, you can use painkillers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. If you have medical allergies, consult a dental practitioner.

What happens if the wisdom tooth is not removed?


Wisdom teeth removal is not required for all dental patients. If the removal is not performed at the right time, a patient would suffer the consequences. Overcrowding of teeth can occur. Impacted wisdom teeth are trapped below your gum line and may be prone to abscess and infection. Overlapping of teeth and tooth decay are some of the other issues that can occur.

What not to do before wisdom tooth removal?


A patient is advised not to eat or drink anything for 8 hrs before the tooth removal procedure. Consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking should be avoided for 8 hours before the surgical procedure.

What can I eat and drink after wisdom tooth removal?


Soft foods like apple sauce, ice creams, sorbets, soups, broths, puddings, yogurt, mashed potatoes, smoothies, scrambled eggs, milkshakes, apple juice, and ginger ale.

Why does my throat hurt after wisdom tooth removal?


Sore throat after the removal of wisdom teeth is caused by sore and swollen muscles near the surgical site. A sore throat issue could last upto 3 days.

Why is it hard to swallow after wisdom tooth removal?


A dental patient may feel the difficulty in swallowing the foods due to swelling in the surgical site. It is recommended to chew the soft foods and move the jaw so that a patient can gradually improve as the swelling subsides.

Why should I remove the wisdom tooth at the early stages?


Some people choose to remove the wisdom teeth in the later stages of life. This is not a good option though because the dental root system becomes harder and more dense as we age. An older patient may experience more complications and pain following the extraction procedure than a younger one.

How long after wisdom tooth removal can i eat?


Once the extraction of wisdom teeth is completed, do not intake any form of food for 2 hours. After two hours of time, you can take liquid foods like smoothies. After 24 to 48 hours, you are safe to eat soft foods.

How long does it take to recover from wisdom tooth removal?


It can take upto 2 weeks to recover from a tooth extraction procedure.

How to remove a broken wisdom tooth at home?


It is dangerous to remove the broken wisdom tooth on your own. Wisdom teeth extraction should always be performed by a professional dentist or oral surgeon.

How long does inflammation last after wisdom tooth removal?


Inflammation / swelling can last upto 2 or 3 days. It is possible to cure the inflammation with the help of anti-inflammatory medicines very easily.

How long does numbing last after wisdom tooth removal?


Numbing sensation after the wisdom tooth extraction procedure can last upto 2 - 5 hours of time

Which wisdom tooth is easier to remove?


Upper wisdom teeth are easier to extract than the lower ones. If the wisdom tooth removal is done at the patients younger age, the extraction procedure can be much easier.

When can I use a straw after wisdom tooth removal?


After the wisdom teeth extraction, avoid using straws for at least a week. Using a straw can dislodge the blood clot that covers the extraction site which can lead to an infection.

Can I have a wisdom tooth removed when pregnant?


Even Though most of the dental practices are safe during the pregnancy period, your doctor may postpone the wisdom tooth removal process and other surgical procedures to avoid complications during pregnancy.