Tele Dentistry

March 7, 2020
2 min

The Potential of Tele-dentistry2 min

Improve oral health with tele-dentistry’s time-tested digital technology. From dental protection to guidance on dental hygiene, this technology provides everything. Equipped with communication technologies, tele-dentistry provides […]
March 2, 2020
3 min read

The Application of Tele-dentistry in Dental Education3 min read

Tele-dentistry has an important role in dental health care services. It also has a significant role in dental education. Tele-dentistry has roots in telemedicine. Telemedicine is […]
December 17, 2019
3 min

Oral Health Care through Teledentistry3 min

Teledentistry involves the application of telecommunications along with virtual technology for delivering oral health care outside the conventional dental-care office setting. It uses a range of […]
December 13, 2019
3 min


My introduction to Tele Dentistry was meant to be.  I can’t say it just sort of happened, even though that is exactly how it all started.  […]