
January 5, 2022
1 min

Dentulu Partners with Independa to Deliver Teledentistry on Consumer TVs1 min

Dentulu Offers Dental Consultations on LG TVs bringing Teledentistry and Other Dental Services Directly Into Consumers’ Homes. – Dentulu, the back-to-back Cellarant “Best of Class” Teledentistry […]
March 5, 2020
2 min

Mobile Dentistry that Makes Oral Care Accessible2 min

Oral health is a significant component of our general health. Unfortunately, dental disease is rampant in the population. Dental diseases can be prevented as long as […]
March 2, 2020
3 min read

The Application of Tele-dentistry in Dental Education3 min read

Tele-dentistry has an important role in dental health care services. It also has a significant role in dental education. Tele-dentistry has roots in telemedicine. Telemedicine is […]
February 21, 2020
3 min

Dental App for Dental Health3 min

How it started A team of young entrepreneurs from India and the U.S wanted to start something new in the healthcare business. They came up with […]
February 19, 2020
3 min

The Role of the Dentulu App in Our Lives3 min

The era that we live in depends heavily on technology and digital information—and dental care is no exception. The influence of technology on dental care is […]
February 18, 2020
2 min

Dentulu: The Top Dental Care App2 min

Can an app assist you with your dental health? The answer is yes: the Dentulu dental app is the best app in regards to dental health. […]