
How it works.

Upload your Xrays

Upload your Xrays

Choose your X-rays as images or any given format. Submit basic information.


Get your result

As soon as you submit our Ai powered second opinion reads your images and provides you the results. You can further connect with one of our dentists to go over your results as you may wish.

Upload your Xrays

Create an account

Create an account by providing basic information.


Schedule a consultation

Schedule a convenient time for your consultation. All you need is a computer with an internet connection!


Choose a dentist

Choose the one that is the best fit for you & submit medical reports to your dashboard.


Get a second opinion

Now, dentists can check your reports and understand your concerns to provide you with reliable support.

Get opinion now

Request for release of your dental records from your provider

Having doubts about your diagnosis? We're here to help.

Get your records now


Step 1 arrow-right

Select your family member

Select the family member in question. We're here to provide clarity on their health concerns.


Step 2 arrow-right

Agree and signature

Agree to our transparent, secure, and confidential terms and conditions for the consultation process.


Step 3 arrow-right

Send Request

Share key details about the medical condition. Our comprehensive form helps our experts offer a meaningful second opinion.

professonal dentist hand touced with patient

Why is it important getting a second opinion from a dentist?

  • Tick icon orange colourIt can help ensure that you are getting the best possible treatment plan for your needs
  • Tick icon orange colour It can give you a chance to compare treatment options and prices
  • Tick icon orange colour It can help put your mind at ease if you have any concerns about your dental health
  • Tick icon orange colour It can help you find a new dentist if you are not happy with your current one

Benefits of getting a second opinion

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Expert’s opinion

You will be able to get an expert’s opinion on your dental treatment plan

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Dentists that can help you

Our online dentists can help you understand all the the treatment options available to you.

clock icon | Time Icon

Save time and money

You will save time and money by avoiding unnecessary trips to the dentist’s office

hand touched icon

Best decision

You can get peace of mind knowing that you are making the best decision for your smile

dentist with seniour patient

Features of Dentulu's second opinion services

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In-depth information

Dentulu provides in-depth information and support for your oral care concerns

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long-term relationship

We focus on developing friendly and long-term relationships

Handshake gif icon


Trustworthy service that you can rely on

phone icon | denstits support

Experienced doctors

Experienced doctors and committed dental professionals

Schedule now

dentist checking his patient teeth | Dentulu

In what situations are dental second opinions necessary?

  • Tick icon orange colour The diagnosis methodology is confusing or not an approved procedure
  • Tick icon orange colour Highly expensive treatment plans given by a doctor or dentist
  • Tick icon orange colourWhen you feel that the treatment has associated risks
  • Tick icon orange colour When experiencing serious or life-threatening illness and complications
  • Tick icon orange colour When you need expert dental opinion
  • Schedule now

Our members say it best


An online dental second opinion is an opinion from a qualified dentist regarding your dental health. This can be useful if you have questions about your treatment plan or are considering a new procedure.

You should always seek a second opinion from another dentist for a variety of reasons, including when you feel that the treatment has associated risks. When you are experiencing serious or life-threatening illness and complications. When the diagnosis methodology is confusing or not an approved procedure, and when the treatment plan is expensive. In addition, you may need an expert dental opinion in a dental emergency. Finally, if you feel that a dentist does not utilize updated equipment or technologies, you should seek a second opinion.

There are several benefits of getting a second opinion from an online dentist, including: You will be able to get an expert's. opinion on your dental treatment plan from one of our online dentists. You will save time and money by avoiding unnecessary trips to the dentist’s office. You can get peace of mind knowing that you are making the best decision for your smile.

The cost of an online dental consultation will vary depending on the dentist you choose. It may cost you $45-55 dollars for a one time consultation fee or you can subscribe to the Patient Subscription for $49.

Creating an account is simple with Dentlulu and only requires basic information. You can then browse through our network of qualified dentists and choose the one that is the best fit for you. If you have any relevant medical reports, you can upload them prior to your consultation. Scheduling a consultation is easy and can be done at a time that is convenient for you. All you need is a computer with an internet connection!

When researching an online dentist, be sure to check their qualifications and reviews.

No, you do not need to prepare anything for an online dental consultation. However, it may be helpful to have a list of questions and previous medical report prepared in advance.